Journals | Zeitschriften (peer reviewed)
Korber, Katharina; Silke, Wolfenstetter; Erfassung und Bewertung der Kosten von Präventions- und Gesundheitsförderungsmaßnahmen – Entwicklung eines Konzepts am Beispiel ‚Bewegungsförderung‘; in: Das Gesundheitswesen; S. 101 - 108; 12/2019;
Berdel, Dietrich; von Berg, Andrea; Brüske, Irene; Heinrich, Joachim; Italia, Salvatore; Lehmann, Irina; Standl, Marie; Teuner, Christina M.; Wolfenstetter, Silke B.; Prices of over-the-counter drugs used by 15-year-old adolescents in Germany and their association with socioeconomic background; in: BMC Public Health; S. 1 - 9; 11/2017;
Hauner, Hans; Holle, Rolf; Hunger, Matthias; Laxy, Michael; Peters, Annette; Stark, Renée; Teuner, Christina M; Wolfenstetter, Silke B; Yates, Nichola; The Economic Burden of Obesity in Germany: Results from the Population-Based KORA Studies; in: Obesity Facts; S. 397 - 409; 12/2016;
Berdel, Dietrich; von Berg, Andrea; Brüske, Irene; Heinrich, Joachim; Italia, Salvatore; Lehmann, Irina; Standl, Marie; Wolfenstetter, Silke Britta; Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Chronically Ill Adolescents from 2 German Birth Cohorts; in: Forsch Komplementmed ; S. 246 - 252; 08/2016;
Cheung, K.L.; Evers, S.M.; Hiligsmann, M.; Jones, T.; Józwiak-Hagymásy, J.; Muñoz, C.; Pokhrel, S.; Vokó, Z.; de Vries, H.; Wolfenstetter, S.; Similarities and differences between stakeholders’ opinions on using Health Technology Assessment (HTA) information across five European countries: results from the EQUIPT survey; in: Health Research Policy and Systems; S. 1 - 17; 05/2016;
Cheung, K.L.; Evers, S.M.A.A.; Hiligsmann, M.; Jones, T.; Józwiak-Hagymásy, J.; Muñoz, C.; Pokhrel, S.; Vries, H.; Vokó, Z.; Wolfenstetter, Silke; Understanding the stakeholders' intention to use economic decision-support tools: A cross-sectional study with the tobacco return on investment tool; in: Health Policy; S. 46 - 54; 01/2016;
Berdel, Dietrich; von Berg, Andrea; Brand, Helmut; Heinrich, Joachim; Italia, Salvatore; Wolfenstetter, Silke Britta; Utilization of self-medication and prescription drugs among 15-year-old children from the German GINIplus birth cohort; in: Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Safety; S. 1133 - 1143; 11/2015;
Berdel, Dietrich; von Berg, Andrea; Brüske, Irene; Heinrich, Joachim; Italia, Salvatore; Lehmann, Irina; Standl, Marie; Wolfenstetter, Silke B; A longitudinal comparison of drug use among 10-year-old children and 15-year-old adolescents from the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts; in: Eur J Clin Pharmacol ; S. 301 - 310; 11/2015;
Bauer, C.P.; Berdel, D.; Berg, A.; Heinrich, J.; Herbarth, O.; Hoffmann, U.; Koletzko, S.; Holle, R.; Hunger, M.; Idler, N.; Koletzko, S.; Lehmann, I.; Ortlieb, S.; Schaaf, B.; Teuner, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; The association between physical activity and healthcare costs in children – results from the GINIplus and LISAplus cohort studies; in: BMC Public Health ; S. 437 - 437; 04/2015;
Italia, S.; Teuner, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, Silke; Patterns of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use in children: a systematic review; in: European Journal of Pediatrics; S. 1413 - 1428; 04/2014;
Batscheider, A.; Berdel, D.; Berg, A.; Heinrich, J.; Hoffmann, B.; Leidl, R.; Rzehak, P.; Teuner, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; Development of BMI values of German children and their healthcare costs; in: Economics & Human Biology; S. 56 - 66; 01/2014;
Heier, M.; Menn, P.; Teuner, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; Impact of BMI and BMI change on future drug expenditures in adults: results from the MONICA/KORA cohort study; in: BMC Health Services Research; S. 424 - 424; 10/2013;
Ahern, A.L.; Caterson, I.D.; Colagiuri, S.; Fuller, N. R.; Hauner, H.; Holle, R.; Holzapfel, C.; Jebb, S. A.; Olson, A. D.; Schofield, D.; Shrestha, R.; Wolfenstetter, S. B.; A within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis of primary care referral to a commercial provider for weight loss treatment, relative to standard care - An international randomised controlled trial; in: International Journal of Obesity ; S. 828 - 834; 06/2013;
Holle, R.; von Lengerke, T.; Meisinger, C.; Menn, P.; Mielck, A.; Wolfenstetter, Silke; Body weight changes and outpatient medical care utilisation: Results of the MONICA/KORA cohorts S3/F3 and S4/F4; in: GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine; S. 1 - 14; 10/2012;
M., Heier; Holle, R.; John, J.; Menn, P.; Wenig, C. M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; Einfluss von BMI und BMI-Veränderung auf zukünftige Arzneimittelausgaben bei Erwachsenen: Ergebnisse der MONICA/KORA Kohortenstudie (Kompetenznetz Adipositas); in: Obesity Facts ; S. 22 - 23; 10/2012;
Batscheider, Ariane; Bauer, Carl Peter; Berdel, Dietrich; von Berg, Andrea; Herbarth, Olf; Heinrich, Joachim; Hoffmann, Barbara; Italia, Salvatore; Koletzko, Sibylle; Lehmann, Irina; Schaaf, Beate; Wenig, Christina; Wolfenstetter, Silke B; Utilization and costs of conventional and alternative pharmaceuticals in children: results from the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohort studies; in: Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety ; S. 1102 - 1111; 10/2012;
John, J.; Wenig, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; An economic perspective on childhood obesity: Recent findings on cost of illness and cost effectiveness of interventions; in: Nutrition; S. 829 - 839; 09/2012;
John, Jürgen; Schweikert, Bernd; Wolfenstetter, Silke B.; Programme costing of a physical activity programme in primary prevention: should the costs of health asset assessment and participatory programme development count? ; in: Advances in Preventive Medicine ; S. 1000 - 1000; 03/2012;
Wolfenstetter, Silke; Future direct and indirect costs of obesity and the influence of gaining weight: Results from the MONICA/KORA cohort studies, 1995–2005; in: Economics and Human Biology ; S. 127 - 138; 03/2012;
Wolfenstetter, Silke; Conceptual framework for standard economic evaluation of physical activity programmes in primary prevention; in: Prevention Science ; S. 435 - 451; 07/2011;
Bauer, C.P.; Berdel, D.; von Berg, A.; Breitfelder, A.; Heinrich, J.; Herbarth, O.; John, J.; Koletzko, S.; Krämer, U.; Leidl, R.; Menn, M.; Röder, S.; Rzehak, P.; Schaaf, B.; Wenig, C.M.; Wichmann, H.E.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; Relative weight-related costs of healthcare use by children-Results from the two German birth cohorts, GINI-plus and LISA-plus; in: Economics and Human Biology ; S. 302 - 315; 03/2011;
Wenig, Christina M; Wolfenstetter, Silke B; Costing of physical activity programmes in primary prevention: a review of the literature; in: Health Economics Review ; S. 1 - 15; 01/2011;
John, J.; Wenig, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; Recent economic findings on costs of childhood obesity and cost-effectiveness of childhood obesity interventions; in: Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care ; S. 305 - 313; 05/2010;
Wenig, Christina M.; Wolfenstetter, Silke B.; Economic Evaluation and Transferability of Physical Activity Programmes in Primary Prevention: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ; in: Special issue: Health Economics; S. 1622 - 1648; 02/2010;
Wolfenstetter, Silke; Adipositas und die Komorbidität Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Entwicklung und Krankheitskostenanalyse; in: Das Gesundheitswesen ; S. 600 - 612; 06/2006;
Book chapters | Fachbuchkapitel (peer/editorial reviewed)
Holle, R.; John, J.; Teuner, C.M.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; An economic perspective on childhood obesity; S. 148 - 159; in: R., Holle; J., John; C.M., Teuner; S.B., Wolfenstetter; Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence; 1. Auflage; Karger; 06/2015;
Holle, R.; Meisinger, C.; Menn, P.; Mielck, A.; Lengerke, T.; Wolfenstetter, Silke; Utilization of general practitioners by obese men and women: Review for Germany and results from the MONICA/KORA cohorts S3/F3 and S4/F4; S. 221 - 236; in: R., Holle; C., Meisinger; P., Menn; A., Mielck; T., Lengerke; Silke, Wolfenstetter; Health Care Utilization in Germany: Theory, Methodology, and Results; 1. Auflage; Springer Gabler Verlag; 12/2013;
John, J.; Lengerke, T.; Wolfenstetter, S.B.; Adipositasassoziierte Versorgungsinanspruchnahme und Krankheitskosten in Deutschland.; S. 83 - 101; in: J., John; T., Lengerke; S.B., Wolfenstetter; Gewichtige Gene: Adipositas zwischen Prädisposition und Eigenverantwortung; 1. Auflage; Huber; 06/2008;
Other activities | Sonstige Aktivitäten
External management positions | Externe Managementpositionen
Referatsleiterin und Senior Projektleiterin; Allianz Privaten Krankenversicherungs- AG; 01.02.2015 - 31.08.2021;
Senior- Gesundheitsökonomin und Senior Projektleiterin ; Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH); 01.05.2005 - 01.01.2015;
Student project mentoring | Betreuung von Studienprojekten
Projektseminar mit Praxispartnern; Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt; 19.07.2024 - 02.07.2024;
Projektseminar mit Praxispartnern; JUST ; 19.07.2024 - 02.07.2024;
Projektseminar mit Praxispartnern; Versicherungskammer Bayern VKB; 16.03.2023 - 29.06.2023;
Projektseminar mit Praxispartnern; Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt; 15.03.2022 - 28.06.2022;
Projektseminar mit Praxispartnern; FTI Touristik GmbH ; 15.03.2022 - 28.06.2022;
Stand: 22.01.2025 05:00:09